Thursday, April 21, 2011

Taking It Home

Wow, our time here in Mexico has flown by. Tomorrow morning we will be boarding a plane and heading home. This past week here in Mexico has been incredible, but the trip does not stop when we get home. God continues his work here in Mexico through Pastor Willie and others. God also continues his work in each and every team member's lives using what we have learned and experienced to shape us. I was humbled by Pastos Willies words when he shared how much our group coming year after year means to him and his ministry. I am so proud of our group and glad that they allowed God to work through them. My prayer is that our team, myself included, will continue to be open to what God wants to do with our lives. I hope that this trip will not be just a good memory in the teams collection of experiences, but instead that this trip will bring changes to each individuals life and ministry that will effect the rest of their life.

Continue to keep us in your prayers. Your prayers have been felt and are greatly appreciated. I look forward to seeing you all soon as we cellebrate the ressurection of our Lord.

-Pastor Jared

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

A core aspect of the calling of our Bridgeway family is to reach our world for Jesus Christ. This is not just tacked on to the end of our mission statement to dream big about the expanding ministry of our church but instead, it is a declaration that we have allgned our mission with God's plan for this world. We are willing to work, sweat, sacrifice, learn, give, and go in order to take the Gospel to the ends of the earth.

Our young people are leading the way! It has been a joy to be able to join our student ministry on this trip. I have had the freedom to sit and ask questions and listen to stories from Mike and Terril, our missionaries, and hear from the Mexican pastors with whom we are working.

To sit and hear about a new church that was started after one of our studetns teams ministered to a community. To know that this team is being trusted with the responsibility to be the first team Mike and Terril have allowed to minister in a new town. To see the warm comfortable relationships our church has built with these Mexican believers it is clear that Bridgeway is moving forward with God's power to fulfill our calling.

Please continue to pray as we explore more ways to expand our support for and service to the church here in Mexico.


This is my first time in Mexico and my first missions' trip as a Leader. Having been to South Africa with Bridgeway as a student, I didn't want to carry over those perceptions and expectations. My goal was to expect nothing, except that God would move. And He has! Every single Outreach we've done, multiple people have stood up to accept Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior. It's amazing to connect with people who don't even understand the language you speak.

Unity has been one of the many themes we've explored as a team this week. I've learned a lot about motivating and focusing a group of people to work towards a common goal through difficult circumstances. Mixing cement has probably been one of the hardest tasks to do, especially in the heatñ but I'm so proud of the team. Everyone's worked very hard. We've all poured out a lot physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. I can't wait to see how everyone utilizes all we've learned back home.

Throughout this whole experience, I've learned a lot about myself as well. I'm at a point in my life where I have to make some important decisions. God's been letting me know that I don't have to limit myself. It's okay to think outside of the box and go for big goals. He is a big God and is able to do above and beyond all we could ever ask or imagine so we shouldn't withold anything from Him nor place limits on His plan for our lives.

I am so grateful I've had the opportunity to be a part of this. It's truly been an amazing journey!


We are almost done with our week in Mexico and so much has happened! The work has been hard but rewarding, and the ministry has opened everyone's hearts! I feel exhausted but more spiritually filled. I'm ready to put it all out today and finish strong.

Over the trip, unity has been a big factor to keep us together and strive to keep good attitudes. God has stayed with us through it all, even venturing to a new town and new worksite. Growing closer to my team and seeing the growth in everybody's lives is an amazing experience. It's hard to write down all that happens down here, but God is definitely active and working in the citizens and team!


I am so blessed to be a part of this team! Everyone has been physically woking so hard to accomplish as much as we can before we leave tomorrow. Ministry has been amazing. The students have been performing drama´s and songs and giving their testimonies. God is working through them, and I am so proud of how they are allowing God to use them and speak to and through them. God has been showing me so much during this trip. One of those things is that our plan is not always his plan, and our flexibility allows God plan to be revealed. Our team has had to be very flexible during this trip as plans have changed a lot, but we know that wherever we end up and whatever we end up doing, it is where God wants us to be and what God wants us to be doing. I can´t wait to come home to share with everyone about our trip. Please continue to be in prayer for our team as we travel back to Cancun tomorrow then home to MD on Friday. Pray that we continue to be a unified team so that God can use us without there being distractions among team members.


I feel as though this trip has done as much, spiritually, for me, as I hope it's done for all the people we have ministered to. God has made Himself clear and evident. I don't know if I have ever been in such a God centered, God fueled atmosphere. He's restructured my heart, my testimony, my outlook, and the hearts and souls of those we have encountered. He's been here in the fun, exhaustion, crazy, and the bland and occassional boring moments. He's taught me a lot about myself, my peers, and my Lord. I feel a stronger call, and stronger relationship with God, along with a stronger body. I ask everyone to pray for me, as I give the message and bring the word tonight. I got to get back to work now, but keep us in your prayers! God bless.


Friday was our first full length day. We got up and went to work. We were working on the roof of a children's home. We had to lift a lot of cinder blocks. It was hard work, but it went by fast. Then the night rolled around and I became very nervous. This was the time where I had interact with the Spanish speaking kids. They got there and I was frozen stiff. I had no idea what to do. I felt isolated. I felt like I didn't belong. And every time I tried to communicate with the kids, they would just leave. I was on the verge of tears. I tried not to cry. I had never felt so out of place in my entire life. I told the team that night and we prayed about it.

The next day was also a good work day. And then we went to a park for ministry. There were so many people but I wanted to do my best. So, this night I decided to do something different. I decided to join the kids' soccer game. This kids tried to talk to me and I got so scared. I only knew a few words so I told him I didn't speak Spanish. And what he did next, I will never forget. He started to teach me. He saw that I was in need so he helped me. God had blessed me through a 9 year old kid who didn't even speak English. I will never forget Daniel.
