Friday, April 8, 2011

 I can't believe that one week from now we will be in Mexico. I am super excited. I'm looking forward to the yummy food and the culture. I am looking forward to seeing old friends that we made the previous 2 years. I am excited to bond with the team. But most of all, I am excited to see God work. There's something about being in another country, being removed from the comforts of home and experiencing the culture shock, that makes us depend on God and on each other more than any other time. It is so cool to see the transformation that God does in each of my teammates and myself, and the people that we serve in Mexico that continues even after we come home. Every year God works in amazing and different ways, and I can't wait to see what he is going to do this year.

As the trip grows closer, we would really appreciate your prayers. Please pray for our safety and health. Please pray that God softens our hearts and prepares us for what He is going to do in and through us. Please pray for the people that we are going to be ministering to, that God prepares them. Thank you so much for all your support! We could not do this without you.


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